Sunday, September 30, 2012

Get Rid of Foot Cramps

Foot cramps can be at the least annoying and at the most quite painful. It can be caused due to various factors like foot exertion, improper blood circulation, substance abuse, malnutrition etc. Foot cramps may also be caused when your feet don't get enough oxygen due to poor blood circulation to the feet. The best relief for foot cramps is stretching exercises. Though annoying, they are not a cause for concern by themselves but sometimes may lead to serious problems. So it is a good idea to see a podiatrist if you have severe foot cramps often.

You can lessen the chances of developing foot cramps by wearing right-fitting shoes. Do some simple stretching before you do any kind of exercise program to loosen the muscles. It is very important to loosen the leg muscles before you take a swim as you may get foot cramps in the water. When you have a cramping sensation, place your feet under running water alternating between cool water and warm water. Follow this with a good foot massage for five to ten minutes.

Do you have peripheral vascular disease? 
You may have peripheral vascular disease when there is poor blood circulation to the feet and legs. The walls of the arteries get thickened and this may lead to this foot problem. It could occur due to diabetes. Some of the common symptoms of Peripheral vascular disease are a dull cramping pain in the calf muscle or numbness or tingling in the foot or toes. There may also be changes in the color of the skin.

This problem can be treated though it may take a while and you have to be extra careful with your foot hygiene while it is healing. It is also important to wear right fitting footwear that does not cause too much pressure. If you have any corns or calluses, get it treated immediately because if you don't, the skin may break down and may be difficult to heal later on.

Treating children's foot problems 
Proper foot care and foot treatment should begin in childhood. Some common foot disorders that affect children are flat feet, ingrown toenails and knock knees. Preventive foot treatment is important to your child. Many children walk in an awkward way which is termed pigeon toed, flat footed, or bowlegged. This may not cause pain at present but may get worse and cause pain as they get older. It is important for parents to get these foot disorders treated early. Curved feet and tendon contractures are other childhood foot problems. A podiatric doctor will be able to diagnose the problem and treat the child.

Some complaints from children could be because of what is called growing pains. The bones grow faster than tissues, tendons and ligaments and so may take several months to catch up to the length of the bones. This causes pain but it will pass. But do not ignore any complaint of pain from your child.

Treat your tendonitis 
The tendon is found at the end of the muscle and attaches the muscle to the bone. Athletes overwork their tendons during rigorous practice and this may stress the area and cause tendonitis. Tendonitis is usually found in the foot as we use it the most and this is true for every one of us, not just athletes. The muscle gets tired and weakens, which may cause pain and swelling. Podiatrists or foot doctors may ask you to wear a support to restrict movement and help it heal. Your podiatrist may also want you to take an ultrasound to check the damage. If the pain persists, an MRI Scan may need to be taken in case there is a tear in the tendon or a rupture where the tendon meets the bone.

Athletes need to see a good foot doctor who understands sports injuries and can help, as severe tendonitis can hamper their sports career. They should go back for follow up visits after they are better, especially when they get back to their normal training and participation in competitions. Sometimes corrective surgery may be needed to realign the tendon.

To consult with a professional podiatric doctor specialized in sports medicine, contact Cupertino Podiatry. Call 408-358-6234 for an appointment. Dr. Cornelison will be able to treat any foot related problem and injury. If you are an athlete, extra precautions have to be taken when it comes to treating an injury. Do not put off visiting a podiatrist as the problem could worsen and jeopardize your career.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Treatment of Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is a common condition where the corner or edge of one of the toenails grows into the soft fleshy part of the toe. The result of this growth is a painful, sore region that is often red and may become infected. These ingrown problems typically affect the big toe, but can occur on any one of the toes.

Many ingrown toenails can be taken care of at home, but if you are in severe pain and the pain is spreading, you will want to see a doctor right away for treatment. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment needed for the care of your toe.

Common Treatments

Through lifestyle and home remedies, ingrown toenails can generally be treated at home. Some of the most common home remedies include soaking the foot regularly in warm water and applying antibiotic ointment to prevent infection. If the pain and swelling continues, or if you see pus or redness spreading throughout the toe, you should see your podiatrist right away.

Treatments for these toenails may include:

· Partially removing the nail

Severe ingrown toenails may require a doctor to partially remove the nail. The toenail can be trimmed back far enough or removed to allow for proper healing. Before this procedure takes place, the doctor may numb the toe with a topical anesthetic or inject the numbing medicine into the toe. This treatment can be highly effective in relieving the pain and allowing the infected site to heal.

· Lifting the nail

Slightly ingrown toenails that include redness and pain associated with minor infection may require that the edge of the nail be lifted. The nail can be lifted slightly in order to separate from the overlying skin. This procedure helps the nail to be able to grow properly above the skin edge. A doctor may insert cotton, dental floss or a splint beneath the nail to keep slightly raised.

· Removing the entire nail and tissue

Some people experience recurrent ingrown formation, and in this case, your doctor may recommend having the entire nail or a portion of the toenail removed. The underlying tissue or nail bed may also be removed to prevent the nail from growing back. The procedure is generally done with a chemical, laser or other method. If the toenail region is at risk for infection, topical or oral antibiotics will be given both before and after the treatment procedure takes place.